Women ICT Training


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Nkwanta North District: 

Women ICT Training

In Ghana, like in many other countries, girls continue to struggle to receive access to education. One of the main goals of the Lineenbaal Women’s Association is the empowerment of women and girls through education. The ability to use a computer and the Internet is one of the resources that can provide work possibilities and help the women and girls to exchange information and expand their social network; however, in the Nkwanta North District, thousands of at-risk young women have never used a computer and have no internet or ICT knowledge or training. They have been left out of the internet revolution and access to improved education, employment, communication, and empowerment.

Our Computer Literacy Program is designed to bridge the gender digital divide by providing information and communication technologies (ICTs) training for young women in the Nkwanta North District. The goal of the program is to empower vulnerable young people with skills in information, communication, and technology (ICT) and unlock their potential to address the social and economic challenges they face and to lead better lives.

Our computer literacy program begins with an introduction to the fundamentals: explaining the computer’s components, the basics of the operating system, and how to use a mouse and keyboard. Within eight weeks, students learn how to use resources on the Internet, including email, Microsoft Office, productivity, and social networking programs, and how to manage computer security and privacy. To increase skill sets, the Lineenbaal Women’s Association also provides a variety of related subjects such as life skills, job skills, health, communication, entrepreneurship, computer programming, and digital arts.

Through our training, young women have become better qualified and are able to obtain jobs that they were previously unqualified for. Our computer literacy program has graduated and certified over 200 students in the Nkwanta North District. Students who have never touched a computer before can now do so through our computer lab.

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