Nkwanta South District


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Nkwanta South District: 

Health and Nutrition

The Ghana government is obliged to ensure the absence of disease as well as children’s physical, mental, and social well-being so they can survive and develop to their full potential. All children should have access to quality health services.

While life expectancy and child survival rates have improved, the mortality rate of Ghanaian mothers and infants is still alarming.

Working in the Nkwanta South District:

We aim to reduce neonatal deaths by promoting effective community newborn care.

  • We are championing the importance of newborn care.
  • We are using new ways to help mothers and communities understand the importance of newborn care, pre- and post-natal care, breastfeeding, and personal hygiene.

We are helping to prevent malnutrition among young children so they can thrive.

  • We are actively campaigning for adequate nutrition for young children.
  • We mobilize communities and the public to support access to adequate nutrition.
  • We are implementing the most effective ways of preventing stunting and obesity among children from 0 to 5.

We are promoting quality sexual and reproductive health services 

  • We are encouraging children to make their voices heard about what they need from sexual and reproductive health services.
  • We are finding efficient ways to improve access to quality services in schools and communities.
  • We are giving girls the freedom to live.

Lineenbaal Women Association has implemented a Child Health and Nutrition project in the Nkwanta South District in 2020. The primary goal of the initiative was to contribute to a reduction in the prevalence of morbidity and mortality among children under the age of five living in the ten communities in the Nkwanta South District

We are making progress. In Nkwanta South District, we’ve helped severely malnourished children make a full recovery. We’ve fought against infection and disease —training community health workers and families in prevention, and providing bed nets to protect children from malaria as they sleep. We’ve been courageous against injustice by challenging causes of early pregnancy and by enabling access to essential health services for Nkwanta South District children.

But there’s more to be done. We see children dying from preventable issues because of violence, isolation, and powerlessness. We want hope to be restored. We want to promote good hygiene and nutrition for children. We want to strengthen health systems to serve vulnerable people through distribution of medication and medical supplies.

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