Krachi West District


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Krachi West District: 

Improving Food and Nutrition Security in a Changing Climate

Unpredictable rainfall and ascending temperatures are jeopardizing agricultural yields and putting people’s food and nutrition security at risk. Gender inequalities are exacerbated, as women often have less access to resources and are therefore more likely to suffer the worst impacts. On top of this, extreme weather events are causing devastating humanitarian disasters. Lineenbaal Women Association aims to tackle this global injustice at the local level.

In Krachi-West District, irregular rainfalls, cyclones, and higher temperatures threaten farmers’ livelihoods, agricultural productivity and food security, the local communities are highly vulnerable because of poor soils, limited access to water, infrastructure, and transport.

The Poverty, Environment, and Climate Change Network (PECCN) is our center of expertise aimed at integrating climate change and environmental risk management in Lineenbaal Women Association development programs and emergency response work across the Kpandai District. Lineenbaal Women Association responds to humanitarian emergencies caused by climate change, while making sure to build community resilience in our long-termdevelopment programs

Lineenbaal Women Association uses farmer field schools to strengthen farmers’ resilience and build their capacities in sustainable agriculture techniques. In these field schools, farmers meet on a weekly basis to learn about improving soil fertility and the importance of crop variety and to experiment with different farming techniques. This allows them to observe and analyze how and why different outcomes are generated to be able to make informed decisions about farming techniques. Farmer Field Schools reinforce links between farmer organizations and those that provide social benefits like savings and credit and organized access to markets. They also increase solidarity among members while strengthening the voices of many women. Through such an approach,  Lineenbaal Women Association is helping farming communities in the Kpandai District to adapt and increase their food security by supporting them to make informed and sustainable decisions about their livelihoods.

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