Kpandai District


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Kpandai District: 

Protecting Children From Harm

Violence against children remains a critical concern for all girls and boys (especially the most vulnerable) everywhere that Lineenbaal Women Association works. Children who experience violence are often left with long-lasting negative social, emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual consequences. Over 1 billion children suffer violence every year, costing the world US$7 trillion, far more than the cost of preventing violence.

Lineenbaal Women Association uses a systems approach to address root causes of violence against girls and boys, by empowering key actors to work together to create a protective environment that cares for and supports all children, especially the most vulnerable. Interventions focus on improving laws and accountability, increasing social services and support, behavior change, and child resilience. In fragile and emergency contexts, we align with the Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action.

We work with key actors at all levels in the Kpandai District to:

  • Empower girls and boys through positive youth development, life skills, and assets building to be resilient and have influential protection actors in their environment.
  • Strengthen families through parenting supports and services so that families remain together and respect, nurture, and protect all girls and boys.
  • Partner with communities through sustained dialogue and collective action to promote positive norms, protective behavior, and protective mechanisms
  • Catalyze faith communities through mobilization and capacity building to be safe. for boys and girls, and transform social norms that cause harm to them.
  • Influence the Kpandai District Assembly through social accountability at all levels to take appropriate measures to ensure the protection of girls and boys.

Lineenbaal Women Association is recognized as a leader and partner of choice in child protection programming and humanitarian response. We actively participate in and often lead workstreams in several global platforms, such as the Global Partnership to End Violence against Children, the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action, the Interagency Learning Initiative (ILI) on Community Based Child Protection Mechanisms and Systems, and the Joining Forces Initiative, which brings together the six major child-focused agencies to address violence against children and further child-led initiatives.

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