Income Generating Activities


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Nkwanta North District: 

Income Generating Activities

Lineenbaal Women Association working in the Nkwanta North District, seeks to address this, as women and girls hold the key to reducing poverty. With the necessary income, women contribute a great deal to the prosperity, health, and happiness of their communities and to a more promising future for the next generation.

We create lasting solutions that provide women with the life-changing training they need to raise income for their survival and take care of their children. Lineenbaal Women Association works in the Nkwanta North District to support women towards greater participation in accessing economic opportunities and resources, increased voice in decision-making, and access to employment and equitable wages.

Lineenbaal Women Association works in the Nkwanta North District to provide training on economic opportunities; so far, more than 817 vulnerable women have directly and indirectly benefited from such trainings. Women learned new techniques for producing high-quality soumbala, a popular local condiment that is used in dishes like rice and soups throughout West Africa. Although it is customary for women to produce soumbala using African locust beans, this training showed how other locally available products, such as peanuts and soybeans, can be used to make high-quality soumbala. In addition to learning new techniques for producing, packing, and marketing healthier soumbala

Women beneficiaries in the Nkwanta North District who started processing and marketing soumbala with the new manufacturing material reported an increase in their income since receiving Lineenbaal Women Association’s support. Most of them, who were already marketing traditional soumbala, confirmed that their incomes increased dramatically. They cited a 200% increase in weekly profit using the same amount of raw materials as before the training. Most beneficiaries affirmed that they will be able to increase their profits during the dry season, which is a perfect time for drying soumbala.

By participating in training, women are able to significantly contribute to their families’ incomes, improve community members’ perceptions, and have a stronger voice within their communities. An important component of this activity is linking the women beneficiaries to our Village Savings and Loan Associations (VSLAs). These bring together female entrepreneurs who pool their resources together to save money and provide loans to other VSLA members. Now present in 12 communities and reaching over 400 women in vulnerable situations, the women in our VSLAs have gained a sense of ownership, confidence, and empowerment. The beneficiaries of the income-generating activities are now members of the VSLA who are able to take out loans with low interest rates to provide for their families, grow their businesses, or respond to medical emergencies.

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