Income Generating Activities

We provide training on economic opportunities for vulnerable women without any sources of income to care for their children.

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Climate Resilient Women

Working in the Nkwanta North District, we empower women to develop community-based adaptation against the impacts of climate. 

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Women ICT Training

The program is designed bridge the gender digital divide by providing ICT training for young women in the Nkwanta North District.

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Children’s lives can change through education both today and in future generations. Yet, there are still significant disparities in children’s learning possibilities in the Biakoye District where we operate

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Health and Nutrition

To contribute to  reduction in the prevalence of morbidity and mortality among vulnerable children in rural communities. We implement  several child health and nutrition interventions to help address the situation

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Children Protection

Lineenbaal Women Association uses a systems approach to address root causes of violence against girls and boys, by empowering key actors to work together to create a protective environment for children

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You Can Create a Ripple Effect

Your monthly gift of $35 provides a woman with skills to support her family and creates sustainable change.

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